Herbal Essence & Nursing:
1) Cut 2 Okra in half and soak in a cup of water overnight and drink it all in the morning which effectively lowered my blood sugar level by 10%.
秋葵降血糖:秋葵(Okra): 用秋葵二個開邊每晚用凍開水㓎泡一晚,早上飲㓎泡後的水,可降低血糖約10%!
2) Gout (痛風) A painful inflammation of the big toe and foot caused by defects in uric acid metabolism resulting in deposits of the uric acid and its salts in the blood and joints.
Suggested TCM Herbal remedy: Plantago asiatica/Che Qian Cao (車前草) herbal extract 500mg 2 -3 times a day for 1-2 months according to your health practitioner.